NobleStitch™ EL
Less Invasive Cardiovascular Suturing and PFO Closure
NobleStitch™ EL, used in combination with the KwiKnot™, provides the simplest, most intuitive, least invasive solution to cardiovascular sutures and PFO closure. Click on the animation below to watch the fluoroscopically guided procedure in action.
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NobleStitch™ EL and accessories are CE Marked for cardio-vascular suturing and PFO closure in the European Union.
Covered by or for use under one or more of the following U.S. patents and thier foreign counterparts: 6733509, 7803167, 8197497, 8197510, 8246636, 8372089, 8469975, 8496676, 8709020, 9131938, and 9642616.